Sometimes people do not want to use services for promotion, so they are looking for ways to independently promote the page. This can take a lot of time, because some of the methods need to be done daily. There is a program for promoting Instagram. The principle is to add your channel to the general base and get a hundred subscribers or likes in a few seconds. But using such a program, there is a risk that your page will be blocked. Here are some methods that will help you gain followers, likes and comments:
Please include hashtags. Tags help you find information of interest. If you choose the right queries, then with each new entry, the number of your subscribers will increase.
Share your posts on other social media. networks. Post interesting content and share it on other sites. Use the site VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki for this. Some users will be interested in your posts and go to the channel. If you want to wind up instagram for free online, use the Bosslike service.
Mutual PR. Newbies often come together and agree to mutually share, like and write comments. You can mention a friend's channel in the video broadcast.